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My role

UX Researcher, UX / UI Designer, Front-end implementation

Project Scope

3 months. Currently in mid-fidelity testing stage

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Plot Twist
During our first month working together, stakeholder decided they were going to pivot their business model and move away from Leadership Trainings and focus on larger companies in the work-remote age.
I went back to the drawing board to consider this change in Proto-Persona (should no longer include training health/life coaches and should focus on Managers/larger teams in larger companies.
Would these new Distribution Partners change what we previously thought would be the task flow?

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Value Proposition

We Are Open Circle provides modeling of a new framework for conversations. When everyone's talking, and nobody's listening, WAOC's Beyond Listening program teaches teams how to challenge and work past assumptions.

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Organizational hierarchy improved, wanted searchable content and videos to learn more about organization.

Mid-fidelity Designs and Testing coming soon !